34-The Big Town


Titulo original: Our Gang - The Big Town
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1925
Género: Comedia

Otras personas

Director: Robert F. McGowan
Escritor: Hal Roach; H. M. Walker
Productor/Estudio: Hal Roach Studios


Duración: 23
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos:
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo:
Soporte: DivX
Tipo archivo: MP4
Calidad imagen: Mala
Peso: 100 Mb


  • Joe Cobb
  • Jackie Condon
  • Mickey Daniels
  • Allen Hoskins
  • Eugene Jackson
  • Mary Kornman


The gang is playing around the railroad yard when a fire breaks out. They hide in a railroad car and get trapped. The next morning they find out they have arrived in New York City. They soon are enjoying the sites, visiting the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, and taking a sightseeing bus for a joyride, where they are finally caught by the police.

A police officer is assigned to take the gang back home on a train. They scatter the entomologist's bugs around the sleeper car during the night, and order exotic foods for breakfast. They eventually arrive back home where their mothers greet them with a spanking.


34º cortometraje de "Our Gang".