40-Official Officers


Titulo original: Our Gang - Official Officers
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1925
Género: Comedia

Otras personas

Director: Robert F. McGowan
Escritor: Hal Roach; H.M. Walker
Productor/Estudio: Hal Roach Studios


Duración: 20
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos:
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo:
Soporte: DivX
Tipo archivo: AVI
Calidad imagen: Regular-Mala
Peso: 200 Mb


  • Joe Cobb
  • Jackie Condon
  • Mickey Daniels
  • Johnny Downs
  • Allen 'Farina' Hoskins
  • Mary Kornman


The kids in the tenements have no place to play except in streets where traffic is a hazard. Mickey gets the idea of building barricades to give our gang space to play at an intersection, but a beat cop, the nasty "Hard-Boiled" McManus, puts a quick end to that. A sympathetic constable and a detective who has kids of his own give our gang a chance to help law enforcement. The little rascals wear uniforms and keep an eye on things: Joe, for instance, eyes the bananas at Tony's fruit stand. When the now-fired McManus returns and seeks revenge, the junior police force and their adult colleagues are put to the test.


40º cortometraje de "Our Gang".