Cupid and the comet


Titulo original: Cupid and the comet (Die Liebe siegt)
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1911
Género: Comedia

Otras personas

Director: Alice Guy-Blaché
Productor/Estudio: Solax Film Company


Duración: 12
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos:
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo: Web
Soporte: x264
Tipo archivo: MKV
Calidad imagen: Buena
Peso: 450 Mb


  • Vinnie Burns
  • Gladden James


During a party to watch Haley's comet, a father sees his daughter in the arms of a "strange young man" through the group's telescope. He breaks up the couple, dragging his daughter inside by the hair, but the young man returns to woo the girl from the garden below. He tries to climb to the window, but the father appears again to breakup the romance. The father banishes his daughter to bed and, to be sure she does not escape, confiscates her clothes and takes them to bed with him. Never at a loss, the daughter steals her father's only pair of clothes and sneaks away to elope with her lover. Discovering her departure, the father is forced to don her clothes in order to chase after her. Meanwhile, the young couple go to the home of an inexplicably effeminate priest, who is reluctant to marry the two 'boys' but concedes when one of them removes her cap to reveal she is a girl. The ceremony is performed and the father arrives too late, only to be lectured by the priest about both is rage and his odd dressing habits.


Ripeada por Arupa a partir de un mp4 de 474 MiB procedente del Filmmuseum de München.