Frozen on Love's Trail


Titulo original: Frozen on Love's Trail
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1912
Género: Drama

Otras personas

Director: Alice Guy-Blaché
Productor/Estudio: Solax Film Company


Duración: 13
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos: Castellano
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo: Web
Soporte: x264
Tipo archivo: MKV
Calidad imagen: Muy buena
Peso: 1,6 Gb


  • Budd Buster


A white girl, living with her father at the barracks near an Indian reservation, is very kind to a half-breed Indian. He falls in love with her but she does not encourage him. However, she one day is about to accept a trinket from him, when one of the soldiers, who is also in love with her, intimates something that does not sound nice to a good girl's ears. She throws the trinket at his face and runs off mortified. Many weeks later, the girl rides off alone on a little hunting trip among the snow-topped mountains. Her horse goes lame, stumbles and throws her. She is stunned and lies prostrate in the snow. Along comes the good half-breed with a sled drawn by a pack of dogs. The half-breed comes across the girl. He puts her on his sled and wraps her frozen form in his own furs. He is almost naked. He runs on for miles, urging his dog pack. The cold is too much for him. His frozen sinews become stiffened. At last his legs give way and he tumbles, frozen, into the snow, while the dogs ...