La llamada del Norte


Titulo original: The Call of the North
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1914
Género: Aventuras

Otras personas

Director: Cecil Blount DeMille; Oscar Apfel
Escritor: George Broadhurst; Stewart Edward White
Productor/Estudio: Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company
Fotografia: Alvin Wyckoff


Duración: 49
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos: Castellano
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo: VHS
Soporte: DivX
Tipo archivo: AVI
Calidad imagen: Mala
Peso: 650 Mb


  • Robert Edeson
  • Theodore Roberts
  • Winifred Kingston
  • Florence Dagmar
  • Horace B. Carpenter
  • Milton Brown
  • Vera McGarry
  • Jode Mullally
  • Sydney Deane
  • Fred Montague


This is the first film in which budding filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille received full credit as a director. Set in the wild Canadian North, the adventure yarn centers upon a brave young trader who is one of the few to work independently from the monopolizing Hudson Bay Company. The young trader is looking for the man who killed his father after smearing his good name by claiming that his father slept with the wife of the owner of a trading post. The trouble for the young man begins when he is caught by Hudson Bay thugs and forced to make it through the wilds with neither food nor weapons. Somehow he barely manages to survive the harsh environment. Towards the end, the daughter of his father's killer shows up and helps save him. Later the trading post owner, who is just about to die, tells everyone the truth about the killing. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide


Se trata de una de las primeras e inencontrables películas del luego famosísimo Cecil, como pieza histórica, por tanto, no tiene precio. El metraje está incompleto, parece que es lo único que se conserva, salvo que me corrija algún gurú silente, pero hemos pensado que aún en esas condiciones puede interesar.