The Flower of the North


Titulo original: The Flower of the North
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1921
Género: Melodrama

Otras personas

Director: David Smith
Escritor: James Oliver Curwood; Bradley J. Smollen
Productor/Estudio: Vitagraph Company of America


Duración: 93
Pistas de idioma: Muda
Idiomas de los subtítulos:
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo:
Soporte: x264
Tipo archivo: MKV
Calidad imagen: Buena
Peso: 650 Mb


  • Henry B. Walthall
  • Pauline Starke
  • Harry Northrup
  • Joe Rickson
  • Jack Curtis


Two men, Philip Whittemore (Henry B. Walthall) and Thorpe (Harry Northrup) both go to the Northwest to gain the right-of-way for their railroad company from D'Arcambal (Emmett King). Whittemore arrives first and D'Arcambal refuses to meet with him until he saves his daughter, Jeanne (Pauline Starke) from going over the rapids. Then Thorpe arrives and tries to use force by kidnapping Jeanne and insisting that he is her father. It comes out that Thorpe actually did run off with D'Arcambal's wife years before. But a half-breed, Pierre (Joe Rickson), proves that Jeanne really is the daughter of D'Arcambal. The captive Jeanne is able to light a signal fire so that the Native Americans will rescue her. Eventually she and Whittemore are married.