Wild Poses


Titulo original: Our Gang - Wild Poses
Nacionalidad: Estados Unidos
Año de producción: 1933
Género: Comedia

Otras personas

Director: Robert F. McGowan
Escritor: Carl Harbaugh; Hal Roach; H. M. Walker; Hal Yates
Productor/Estudio: Hal Roach Studios
Compositor: Marvin Hatley; Leroy Shield
Fotografia: Francis Corby


Duración: 18
Pistas de idioma: Inglés
Idiomas de los subtítulos:
Modo de color: Blanco y negro
Fuente ripeo:
Soporte: DivX
Tipo archivo: AVI
Calidad imagen: Buena
Peso: 180 Mb


  • George McFarland
  • Matthew Beard
  • Jerry Tucker
  • Tommy Bond
  • Emerson Treacy
  • Gay Seabrook
  • Franklin Pangborn
  • Stan Laurel
  • Oliver Hardy


Otto Phocus (Franklin Pangborn) is a haughty photographer hellbent on taking a formal portrait of a terrified Spanky (George McFarland). The little guy has been told by the gang that Phocus plans to "shoot" him; thinking the camera is a cannon. This leads Spanky to avoid having his picture taken, and his habit of punching Phocus in the face with regularity.

Phocus serves as Spanky's foil in other ways as well. He tries to get Spanky to pose with an exaggerated sweet smile on his face; when Spanky sees Phocus' ridiculous grimace he turns to his Dad (Emerson Treacy) and says, "Hey Pop, do you see what I see?" Later, when Spanky's friends have filled the rubber shutter bulb with water, and Phocus squeezes it, squirting Spanky's Dad with water, his Mom (Gay Seabrook) tells Spanky, "That's how they take watercolor pictures." Finally, after having successfully taken Spanky's picture, Phocus discovers the gang exposed his photographic plates, rendering "all my lovely work for nothing!". Spanky manages to give him one more "buss" before his family leaves the studio in disgust.


125º cortometraje de "Our Gang".

Laurel and Hardy cameo

At the beginning of the film, a salesman is seen soliciting Otto Phocus' services throughout a residential neighborhood. At one home, he tells a housewife that she has "two of the most photogenic children" he has ever seen.

The camera cuts to reveal the woman's two children, portrayed in a brief cameo by Laurel and Hardy, dressed in baby clothes and using giant sets from their short Brats (1930). Laurel and Hardy briefly fight over a baby bottle, until Laurel eye-pokes Hardy and emerges victorious as the scene transitions to set the main plot in motion.
This would be the last Our Gang short directed by Robert McGowan until 1936's Divot Diggers. The entire film employs background music again, now a mix of Leroy Shield recordings and other studio recordings. The film was done with a feel of a sitcom and focuses again around Spanky. The depleted gang, now only three children (Georgie Billings plays a kid Darby who is with his mom and not part of the gang) basically is in the background throughout the episode, though unlike Bedtime Worries, they do not appear to be homeless.